


November 28th, 2021

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replied to a comment on 's post

3 years ago

This is still an ongoing problem with the audio being out of sync with the video. It is not getting better in fact it is getting worse. please provide a response and solution for this issue. It is quite annoying.  


@XfinityBrie We’ve been having the same issues for month, we’ve don’t system refresh multiple times and the issue never resolved. Then on Saturday we replaced our box and for little bit it was fine, but then yesterday it started up again.

followed 's post

3 years ago

This is still an ongoing problem with the audio being out of sync with the video. It is not getting better in fact it is getting worse. please provide a response and solution for this issue. It is quite annoying.  

commented on 's post

3 years ago

This is still an ongoing problem with the audio being out of sync with the video. It is not getting better in fact it is getting worse. please provide a response and solution for this issue. It is quite annoying.  


We are also having the same issue. Have been for months, it’s out of sync only with anything related to our tv box. Netflix and other streaming services do not have the problem. We have to turn on and off the tv in order to get things back in sync wh


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November 28, 2021

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